Prize Roulette Wheel
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Control features some mind-boggling gameplay. That being said, perhaps no part of the game is quite as puzzling as the roulette wheel inside the Luck and Probability department. For those clever enough to solve this nifty puzzle, of course, there is a special prize.

How to Solve the Roulette Wheel Puzzle
First, you will need to make your way to the Luck and Probability department. From there, head through the Clearance Level Five door. Within that room, you will find the Roulette Wheel puzzle.
Solving the puzzle will ultimately earn you the Golden Suit, a nifty aesthetic for your character. In order to solve the puzzle, however, you will have to manipulate the wheel so that it lands on 7. This is no easy task, but it can be accomplished.

- First, turn on each of the four desk lamps within the room.
- Next, go back to the previous dimly lit room and turn the horseshoe on the nearby table so that it is pointing upwards.
- After that, set the luck cat statue so that it is making a waving motion. And, pick the nearby four-leaf clover. The clover will then need to be planted within the pot next to the roulette wheel.
- Place the golden fish on the red carpet within the roulette wheel room. This will require you to use your Launch ability.
- Next, set the gambling chips on number seven.
- Spin the roulette wheel. But, make sure you leap off of the red carpet as soon as you do. This will increase the probability of your success.
If you made a mistake, a fire extinguisher nearby will explode. Otherwise, the TV monitor will reveal that the ball landed on the number seven. Consequently, you will unlock the Golden Suit.
A common issue with this puzzle concerns the golden fish statue. Simply move the statue around slightly and then retry the roulette wheel if you are having trouble.
For footage of the puzzle being solved, check out the video provided above.
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