Power Roulette

Power Roulette Average ratng: 8,8/10 5540 reviews
  1. Power Roulette
  2. Power Roulette System Pdf

But sometimes a Mass Super Empowering Event isn't a lottery. Sometimes it's a deadly game of Russian Roulette, where only a handful of people affected walk away with superpowers — the rest wind up crippled, horribly deformed, dead, or worse. The roulette has different kinds of ammunition to hit the contestants with, often they compound. How to win at roulette using science: Expert reveals the physics behind predicting where the ball will land. In the late 1970s a group tried to beat a roulette wheel with computers. To give you a taste of what you can expect, here’s a quick review of Live Roulette here at Paddy Power™ Games. Live Roulette Info: Live gaming action Win up to 35X on a single bet Play from as little as 0.50 coins Software Provider: Playtech. Live Roulette Symbols. The great thing about Live Roulette.

If you like to play online casinos, forget power roulette because it’s designed for the real wheel. But if you like the real casino environment as I do, power roulette has something to offer. It is definitely not fraudulent. However to be successful with power roulette requires a lot of practice and is not for the beginner. Most players will find power roulette difficult to master and not many people have that kind of time to dedicate. Ultimately does power roulette work? Yes, it does (or rather it CAN) but there is a lot of guesswork involved. It was tested over a three day period in a real casino and I produced a small profit of $325. This result may seem insignificant but consider the house edge on the American wheel and you’ll understand this is a pretty good result. Over longer tests with lists of real spins from Speilbank Harmburg, a clear loss was made. If you want power roulette to work for you, you will need Suzanne’s close guidance, lots of practice, the right conditions which are unfortunately very hard to find.

Probably it’s greatest problem is it requires too much guesswork at the wheel so whether or not it truly works cannot be established. As power roulette is presented, when you lose you can lose big because progression betting is used (increasing bets to cover losses). If you play with flat bets you can still win, but it’s the rare conditions that you need that makes winning difficult.

VERDICT: Utilizes dealer signature which is a valid principle when applied correctly. By default you are supposed to use progression betting which can lead to big losses. Power Roulette with flat bets does beat the house edge under the right conditions, but the right conditions are unrealistic, and very difficult to come by. On most wheels you will have no advantage at all. However if rare conditions are found, it can produce good winnings. Overall a good system but quite expensive for what it is.

RECOMMENDED: Download a FREE Roulette System That Works at www.RoulettePhysics.com

To get the best free roulette systems that really work, see the top 5 proven roulette systems and the video series below. It's the best 100% free information for winning roulette you'll find. It's written by professionals who are really earning a living from roulette.

Are YOU Tired of Losing Your Shirt at the Roulette Table… Time After Time… Even Though You’ve Tried Dozens of “Foolproof” Betting Strategies?

Discover How You Can FINALLY Profit from Winning Roulette Bets an Astonishing 70% of the Time… And Consistently Grow Your Bankroll… Even if You’ve Never Walked Away a Winner Before!

… And You’ll Do it WITHOUT Complicated and Shady Strategies that Can Get You Blacklisted (or Worse)!

Dear Fellow Roulette Lover,

Because this page has caught your attention, I think I know something about you. You have a true passion for roulette, and you’ll gladly pass by the banks of slot machines and the rows of blackjack tables to enjoy the thrill of roulette with friends or even complete strangers.

Roulette is undoubtedly one of the most exciting, fastest-paced betting games out there. And it’s a ton of fun when you’re winning at least part of the time. But if you’re like many players, you walk away with empty pockets and a deep sense of regret. (Until next time, of course.)

Tell me, do any of these experiences sound familiar?

  • Do you walk away from the roulette table more often than not with a smaller bankroll than you started out with?
  • Do you spend hours reading books and scouring the Internet for roulette betting strategies?
  • Have you paid for “insider” betting strategies… only to find out that they’re just plain bunk?
  • Have you promised yourself you’d never even look at a roulette wheel again, just because you’re so sick and tired of losing?
  • Do you secretly wish that someone would just give you a simple betting strategy you could use to win… instead of giving the casino all of your hard-earned cash?

Let me tell you… you’re not alone.

Millions of people just like you dream of winning BIG at the roulette table. And they go home broke a depressingly large percentage of the time.

As they say, “Vegas (and every other gaming hotspot in the world) wasn’t built on winners.”

So you either have to chalk up your passion for roulette as very expensive entertainment… or get your hands on a betting system that truly puts the odds in your favor.

In a minute, I’m going to show you a simple strategy that can FINALLY end your losing streak and allow you to strategically profit while you’re enjoying the game… no matter which casino you visit!

But first, a bit of explanation is in order:

Why is winning at roulette difficult?

If you were to ask a mathematician or a professional gambler, they would tell you that it’s not just difficult, but that it’s impossible to beat the game in the long run.

No one will debate the fact that you can occasionally win at roulette in just a couple of trips to the casino, but they will claim that you cannot stay in the black for any length of time.

Not only are they sure you’ll lose in the long run, but they also claim to know exactly how much you’ll lose – 5.3% of your bets – on a table with both 0 and 00.

The reason most people consistently lose at roulette is simply because they don’t understand the math behind the game. But you can bet the casino understands it extremely well… and that’s why they’ll do anything in their power to get you to stay and play for “just a few more minutes.”

Math and the House Advantage

The mathematicians claim that no matter how you play, whether conservatively, or using a system, “in the long run” you are going to lose because it’s in the numbers – “the House Advantage” – but they are wrong!

Tell me… what if you could turn conventional wisdom on its head… and take advantage of an easy to understand strategy that could not only eliminate the house advantage… but consistently put the odds in YOUR favor?

  • You’d approach the roulette table with confidence, knowing that you have an advantage that no other player at the table has (even seasoned professional gamblers)!
  • You’d enjoy the game of roulette without worry, because you’d know the insider secrets to grow your bankroll… instead of watching it dwindle away!
  • You’d feel excited about hitting the roulette table, knowing that you’re making extra cash while you’re enjoying an activity that most people would find stressful after just a few minutes!
  • You’d be able to fully fund your casino trips with your winnings (and have some money left over for extras), instead of worrying about paying for your trip!
  • You’d win the admiration of other players (and the respect of pit bosses), because they’ll think you spent years honing your secret strategies!

Does that sound good to you? Then you’re going to want to pay very close attention to what I’m about to tell you…

If You Want to FINALLY Stack the Odds in Your Favor… and Walk Away From the Roulette Table a Winner…

Then the Time to Get Your Hands on the Roulette Power System is Right Now!

You may think this is pie in the sky, but it is true. I guarantee success with this system, but only if you follow it implicitly. You follow my method, and I will walk you through this amazing system.

Like you, I have a passion for this game. While other tables are fun, the roulette table is my favorite, and there’s nothing better than a hot one. But I’ve been where you are, and I almost gave up the game altogether after a long losing streak.

Those big Casinos are built on the backs of people like you and me, and I decided it was time for me (and honest roulette players like me) to take some of that money back! So I set out to find the winning strategy that would finally turn the tables on the casinos.

I knew that, in order for a winning roulette strategy to work, it had to meet several criteria:

  • It had to be simple. Trying to remember a complicated strategy takes all of the fun out of the game… and there’s no reason to play if it feels like work.
  • It had to be ethical. I’m not out to cheat the casinos… just to level the playing field. Plus, I don’t want to get tossed out on my ear and banned from casinos… and I don’t want you to, either.
  • It had to be easily replicated. I wanted to make sure that anyone, regardless of their skill or experience level, could immediately use my system to win!

It wasn’t easy. I spent years of trial and error… and studying every known strategy I could get my hands on. I spent time watching professional gamblers to try to decode their techniques. And I have to admit, I lost a ton of dough along the way.

In the end, though, I had what I wanted. I finally discovered a way to win at roulette, the game of secret agents, Kings, and Monarchs! The strategy met all of my criteria… and I was thrilled.

If this sounds like bullshit to you, then keep reading, because I can back it up.

The secrecy of this method was held with the strictest security by the gaming industry, and was only known to casino owners and a select few, but now you can find out this secret formula to winning at this world renowned game. You can gain the advantage that gamblers have always dreamed of. It’s just like knowing the dealer’s hole card in blackjack, or like knowing what the roll of the dice is going to be on the craps table (except that this strategy won’t get you blacklisted)!

I’m Even Going to GUARANTEE Your Success!

Power roulette pdf

Power Roulette

I understand that you’re probably a little skeptical. After all, you’ve probably been ripped off by a few gaming “gurus” who sold you worthless strategies… and then you got taken to the cleaners a second time when you bet money based on their advice. So I completely understand if you have a hard time believing me right now.

It took me hundreds of hours of trial and error and hours of statistical analysis to arrive at the best odds in the gaming industry. And to convince you that this is the absolute best, simplest winning strategy… I GUARANTEE that your winnings will improve.

This system has an almost 70% winning percentage! And if you follow the rules in this system you can reach an amazing winning percentage much higher than that.

I started with $2,500.00 in my trading account, and within 6 weeks my account is over $70,000.00, and you can do it faster and larger if you put your effort and time to using this method.

Just Imagine Being Able To:

  • Win more often than you do now.
  • Have a nearly foolproof system that allows you to win.
  • Have a repeatable process for generating cash.
  • Get comped meals, rooms and shows.
  • Be the envy of your friends.

…and that’s just for starters!

Interview With The Creator, Peter Wyckoff, February 2015


I was a skeptic, but the first time I tried it I won 3 out of 5 spins on average, which meant I was coming out ahead. The key I learned was not deviating from my initial bet amount from number to number because I “liked” a certain number. That was stupid and it cost me. I can’t wait to try it again at a quiet table where I’m either alone or with my wife, Thanks Peter!

Update: I tried it again and ended up on a video roulette table autoplaying the same bet and won money on 2 out of three bets for over an hour. Amazing, but almost felt like cheating and was sort of boring 😉

Scott H. – Portland Oregon

Having seen Peter successfully utilise his Roulette Power System on 2 different occasions whilst visiting Las Vegas my initial scepticism disappeared as he proceeded to totally out play my ‘Dates of my Daughters Birthdays’ method, it is certainly impressive and gives results. Key is having the discipline to stay with the system throughout, not adding random bets because you get a ‘feeling’. Looking forward to my next trip to the tables with Peter!!

Kirk F. – West Bridgford, Nottingham UK

This system sounded too good to be true, so I decided to go ahead and give it a test drive. Using three different roulette applications, I played for two hours, following the system exactly. Starting with $3000, after 2 hours of playing, I was at over $5000. OK, so it was not real money, but I am itching to try the real thing, now that I have seen how well this strategy works.

Brad F. – Boise, ID

It Might Sound Crazy – But I’ll PROVE To You It Works!

Power Roulette System Pdf

Look, I could go on and on about my winning roulette betting system. I could throw statistics, and case studies, and math formulas at you all day long. But it occurred to me that the best way to show you the Roulette Power System is to let you try it out for yourself… at absolutely no risk!

The way this works is simple. I want you to try my system before you buy it. That way, the risk is all on me. And if you’re not thrilled with the easy to follow, proven, step by step betting system you’re about to get your hands on just minutes from now… you don’t have to pay me a single penny!

  • Buy access using Paypal
  • Try the system for yourself on your favorite roulette app.
  • Request a refund if you’re not 100% satisfied

If you’re not 100% convinced that the system works, just cancel within those three days.

OK, What’s The Catch?

Well, there are three of them, actually. But unless you’re a tire kicker or insist on re-inventing the wheel (in which case, this clearly isn’t for you anyway), I can’t imagine why you’d have a problem with any of them:

Catch #1 : You must follow my steps exactly
This system took years to develop, and depends on you following the betting pattern exactly. Play exclusively the numbers that I give you. While I do provide you with one option to choose, don’t leave out any numbers or add ANY other numbers to the mix I provide. I’ve studied this for years, and using a different betting pattern will result in losses.

Catch #2: Keep your bets consistent
With my system, it’s often a mistake to double or triple your bets as you go, and it’s certainly a mistake to put more on some numbers than on others. My system relies on mathematical odds, and on the consistent percentages. Since you will only have a winning number about 70% of the time, larger bets on losing numbers will skew your bankroll, and you will lose.

Catch #3: Don’t get greedy
This is an amazing opportunity and you may feel like there’s NO WAY YOU CAN LOSE, but don’t get carried away. Besides drawing unwanted attention to yourself, being a loud and obnoxious winner is just not good karma. Casinos exist to make money, and they’ll will not take kindly to you if you’re a sore winner.

Why Would I Share this?

This is a good question, and one that I’d ask myself if I were you. “So why doesn’t this guy just go make his money playing roulette if it’s such a great system? Why would he share the secret?”

Well, In fact, I’m not “sharing” this secret, I’m selling it, and not cheaply, either. I’ve had a very successful life so far, but the first kid is headed to college, and it’s valuable knowledge.

I can’t be expected to sit at roulette table all day to make a living. My wife and I have a great time on vacation, don’t get me wrong… but the closest Indian casino is a 4 hour drive. Even if it WAS convenient, would I want to turn my “play” into my work? I don’t think so.

I’m In! So How Do I Get Started?

Below, you’ll find the order link to get your hands on the Roulette Power System. Just follow the easy checkout instructions, and you’ll be able to instantly download your step by step training just moments from now.

All of the materials can easily be saved to your computer or mobile device. This means that you can take my course with you if you’re headed out for a trip to the local casino, or even if you’re headed to one of the big gaming cities like Las Vegas or Atlantic City. (Just don’t try to read the course while you’re in the casino – you’ll find yourself out on the sidewalk very quickly!)

Remember, I INSIST you try it out completely at my risk. You’re going to get all the steps laid out for you. Nothing is held back, and you have a money-back guarantee.

If you can’t get to a roulette table, then try my Roulette Power System with an app – something like Roulette: Casino Style at iTunes or GooglePlay or something similar.

If you’re not 100% blown away by the results, just cancel within 48 hours, with no questions asked. But I’m betting that once you see the results you’ll be anxious to jump on a plane to Vegas.

What If Paypal Does Not Bring You Back Here?

You will be given instant access to my secret system, and remember, it’s 100% guaranteed. I look forward to hearing about your winnings after you put my strategies to use. Who knows… you might even want to write a testimonial and have your name on this page!


(888) 505-9378
P.O. Box 615
Tujunga, CA 91043-0615


Watch the Entire 7 minute Interview With The Creator, Peter Wyckoff